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Amfetamine (Speed)


Amfetaminele au fost sintetizate in anii 1880 si folosite initial ca decongestionant nazal, ca medicament in scopul inhibarii cresterii in greutate si pentru a-i ajuta pe oameni sa ramana treji…

Stimulant Addiction Treatment

What are Stimulants? Stimulants are commonly abused drugs that increase energy and attention. Stimulants make people more alert, while simultaneously raising a number of body functions like blood pressure, heart rate and breathing. Some prescription medications that treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), narcolepsy, anxiety and depression are also stimulants. Misuse of such medication outside a doctor’s prescription can lead to dangerous side effects such as paranoia, heart failure, physical and psychological addiction and seizures. Other effects of stimulant drugs include: Euphoria Weight Loss Performance enhancement Castle Craig’s personalised treatment programmes can help you find lifelong recovery after addiction to…